German B1 Weekend
Language level B1 is the third level of proficiency according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The aim of this learning stage is the ability to speak the language independently. It certifies that the candidate is an independent user of the German language. Since intensive and regular learning is essential to achieve this goal, a regular language course on level B1 comprises 160 UEs (Classwork + homework).
The course duration is of 8 weeks
The learning material available here provides an insight into the contents and training methods.
Learning objectives of the B1 course
After this course student will be able to:
- understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time, etc.
- deal with most situations typically encountered when traveling in the language region.
- express himself/herself simply and coherently regarding familiar topics and areas of personal interest.
- report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes, and goals as well as make short statements to justify or explain his/her own views and plans.
Brief Contents
- Infinitv mit Zu
- Verb lassen
- Konnektoren: Obwohl
- Präposition mit Genitiv: wegen, trotz
- Präteritum
- Temporale Präpositionen: vor, nach, während
- Folgen ausdrücken: deshalb, darum, deswegen, so….dass, sodass
- K2 der Modalverben
- Irreale Bedingungssätze mit K2
- Prominaladverbien: dafür, darauf, usw.
- Verben mit Präpositionen und Nebensatz
- Nebensatz mit da
- Komparativ und Superlativ vor Substantiven
- n-Deklination
- aus + Material
- Futur 1
- Relativsätze im Dativ und mit Präposition
- Plusquamperfekt
- Temporale Nebensätze: bevor, nachdem, seit, während usw.
- Reflexivpronomen im Akkusativ + Dativ
- nicht/kein/nur + brauchen + zu
- zweiteilige Konnektoren
- Adjektivdeklination ohne Artikel
- Stellung von ,,nicht” im Satz
- Passiv Präsens, Präteritum und Perfekt
- Präposition mit Genetiv: innerhalb, außerhalb
- Artikelwörter als Pronomen: einer, keiner, meiner…usw.
- Adjektiv als Substantive
- Relativpronomen: was und wo
- Sätze mit je…..desto
- Partizip 2 als Adjektiv
- Partizip 1 als Adjektiv
Study Material (Excluded in Fees)
- Netzwerk B1 Coursebook with 12 Chapters.
- Netzwerk B1 Workbook with 12 Chapters.
- Netzwerk B1 Intensivtrainer
- Netzwerk B1 Testheft
- Mit Erfolg Zum Goethe-/Ösd-Zertifikat B1
- Access to the online platform to submit homework and get it checked.
- Online study notes for B1
Medium of instruction: German
International Certificate for Visa purposes:
After this course, you can appear for the following exams:
- Goethe Zertifikat B1
- ÖSD B1
Domestic Certificate for other purposes:
- On having the attendance of or more than 75%, students will get a participation certificate.
- On passing the final mock test, the student will get a B1 Certificate from The Language Office.
- A Domestic or an International passing certificate is compulsory to go to the next level.
Please note: Domestic certificate can not be used for any international purpose.