The Best German Language Institute In Chandigarh, Punjab. India

LOR Samples For German Universities

What is Letter of Recommendation or LOR?

LOR stands for letter of recommendation, which is acutally a recommendation by your teacher or principle of your school, college, university or senior in the company, that he/she recommends you to study in Germany.

Possible things to be included in LOR:

  • How did the student go about during their studies?
  • How did the student participate in teamwork, or the learning environment?
  • What difference did the student bring?
  • How did they think about the subject in matter?
  • How did the student react to setbacks and criticisms?
  • How did the student think about bringing multiple concepts together?
  • How has the student matured and excelled over time?
  • Did the student challenge theirself, and in what ways or in what kind of circumstances?
  • How did the student’s passion show towards specific subjects or activities?
  • If there was an achievement, how did it happen and how has it affected education?
  • What was the student’s level of creativity during class and assignments?

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