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Artikel im Akkusativ

In order to understand the Akkusative case, we must understand that there are these 2 elements in a subject:

  • Subject (The doer, who is doing the action)
  • Object (The object, on which the action is getting done)

Object (Akkusative): The person or the thing, on which the action is being done, is the object in a sentence.

For example:

  1. Rajesh makes the tea.                  Rajesh kocht den Tee. (In this case, Rajesh is the doer (Nominative) and the Tea is the object (accusative).
  2. Radhika reads the book.           Radhika liest das Buch. (In this case, Radhika is the doer (Nominative) and the book is the object (accusative).
  3. We learn German.              Wir lernen Deutsch. (In this case, We is the doer (Nominative) and German is the object (accusative).

Nominative Article      Accusative Article

  • der                                             den
  • die                                              die
  • das                                             das
  • die (plural)                               die
  • ein (masculine)                       einen
  • eine                                            eine
  • ein (neutral)                             ein

उदाहरण के तौर पर:

For example:

Masculine objects

1.der Käse, ein Käse

Ich kaufe den Käse.      मैं पनीर खरीदता हूँ।           I buy the cheese.

तो आपने देखा की कैसे der Käse, den Käse बन गया। इसी प्रकार ein Kuli, einen Kuli बनेगा ।

So, you have seen that, der Käse has been changed into den Käse. In same way, ein Kuli will be changed into einen Kuli.

2. der Kuli, ein Kuli

Ich habe einen Kul.        मेरे पास एक पेन है।                      I have a pen.

3.  der Bus, ein Bus

Ich warte auf den Bus.    मैं बस का इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ।        I am waiting for the bus.

Feminine objects

1.die Milch

Er trink die Milch.             वह दूध पीता है।                         I drink the  milk.

2. die Flasche, eine Flasche

Lukas hat eine Flasche.    लुकास के पास एक बोतल है।       Lukas has a bottle.

3. die Uhr, eine Uhr

Ich habe eine Uhr.             मेरे पास एक घड़ी है।                 I have a watch.

Neutral objects

1.das Haus, ein Haus

Ich habe ein Haus.            मेरे पास एक घर है।                   I have a house.

2. das Buch, ein Buch

Ich lese ein Buch.             मैं एक किताब पढ़ता हूँ।             I read a book.

3. das Laptop, ein Laptop

Ich kaufe ein Laptop.         मैं एक लैपटॉप खरीदता हूं।      I buy a laptop.

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Neeraj Pant is one of our most senior teachers and has a very good amount of experience and excellent qualifications in the German language. His passion for teaching German as a foreign language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) has made him leave his high-earning MNC job. Read More

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