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Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

In accordance to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages learners can be divided into different reference levels. Depending on the reference level learners show different levels of language proficiency  and skills. These language skills are described in the form of Can Do statements.               Read More…

How to apply for Goethe Institut Examination

 (Last updated 14.12.2022) Exam registration is a very important thing for every student, who wants to appear for Goethe Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan exam and to get a German language certificate for further studies in Germany or spouse visa, or for any other purpose. The new method of filling the Read More…


Ja-/Nein-Frage or Yes-/No-Question is a type of question, to which we can answer in no or yes. But German language has 3 answers to this kind of question: ja, nein, doch. For example: Bist du Manager hier?                          Nein, Read More…

Unbestimmter Artikel

In this blog, we will be learning indefinite articles in the German language. In the German language, we have 3 genders and these are masculine, feminine, and neutral and for each gender, there is a different indefinite article. For example: a man                  Read More…


Use of “weil” In A1, you must have read about “denn”, which means “because”. “Weil” is another synonyme of “denn” and it means of course “because”. Like denn, weil is also a connector and joins two sentences. For example: Ich esse nicht heute denn ich habe keinen Hunger.          Read More…

Reflexive Verben

Reflexive Verben mit Akkusativ For many German learners reflexive verbs are a big headache but in reality, they are quite easy. There is a short to understand them and this short cut is: don’t try to understand them, just try to use them. You must understand, there are some verbs in Read More…

Futur 1

Future tense (भविष्य काल) is used to express your actions, position or state in the future. For example: I will go to Germany. मैं जर्मनी जाऊंगा। He will be learning German. वह जर्मन सीख रहा होगा। In the German language, we have 2 types of future tense: Futur 1 (सामान्य भविष्य Read More…

Goethe Zertifiat C1 – Sprechen Teil 1

Goethe Zertifiat C1 – Sprechen Teil 1 Thema 1 Immer mehr Menschen kommunizieren per E-Mail miteinander. Welche Vor- und welche Nachteile sehen Sie darin im Vergleich zu der normalen Briefpost? Halten Sie einen kurzen Vortrag (ca. 3–4 Minuten). Sie können sich an folgenden Punkten orientieren: Beispiele für E-Mail (eigene Erfahrung?) Bedeutung Read More…

GOETHE-ZERTIFIKAT C2 – Schreiben Teil 2 – ,,Traditionelle nationale Küche oder ‘Einheitsbrei’ – Die Zukunft unserer Kochkultur”

Buch: Endstation C2, Kapitel 5, Thema 2: In einem Morgenmagazin des Fernsehens ging es um das Thema “Traditionelle nationale Küche oder ‘Einheitsbrei’ – Die Zukunft unserer Kochkultur”. Sie schreiben einen ausführlichen Kommentar (ca. 350 Wörter) an die Redaktion des Magazins. in dem Sie sich auf die folgenden drei Aussagen beziehen und Ihre Meinung Read More…

GOETHE-ZERTIFIKAT C2 – Schreiben Teil 2 – ,,Mobilität in der modernen Arbeitswelt”

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